
Altersreich GmbH

iOS release Aug. 2021 (on hold)

The new way to save: More money without sacrifice.

Smartsaver is easy: Switch contracts with just a few clicks, invest the savings in an equity savings plan (ETF), wait for it to grow in value – that’s it! Save without giving up anything. It’s that easy.

How to save smart

Small savings goal or big dream – with Smartsaver you can achieve your wish faster. Transparently, free of extra charge and without you having to make any sacrifices. Switch to cheaper contracts with the Smartsaver app and lay the foundation for your financial future.

Smartsaver app rates – Never spend too much again

Saving with subscriptions – sure, you’ve heard it all before. But comparing tariffs is often tedious and time-consuming: dozens of offers, lists of results that go on for ages, complicated filters and too many options. The Smartsaver app takes this work off your hands and suggests four tariffs – simple, transparent, cheaper. First, you can use Smartsaver to switch your electricity and gas provider; other switching offers will follow.

Automatic contract switching

With Smartsaver, you can switch to a cheaper provider with just a few clicks. If you wish, Smartsaver will analyse your contracts and automatically find the best tariff for you. Same service at a better price. The new provider will take care of cancelling your old contract. You don’t have to worry about anything.

Create savings

Step one done – now comes step two! You can invest the amount you will save in the future thanks to Smartsaver in a savings plan. This is also very easy to do via our app. You are in control of how much of your savings you invest.

Project tags

Skills: Product Management; Scrum Product Owner; Software Engineering; Stakeholder Management; User Research; Requirements Management; Product Roadmap; Procurement; Release Management; Testplan; KYC

Type: Nearshore Development; MVP; Native app

Industry & Business: Finance; Fintech; Investing; Finleap

Tools & Tech: Notion; Miro; Slack; Github; Teams; AWS; iOS; Spring Boot/Java; RxSwift


In a nutshell, Franz is the “unfair advantage” that every team involved in the digital space is striving for. He sets an example of core competencies like e.g. broad technical know-how, user-centric thinking, ownership and top-notch communication each and every day. These attributes combined form the backbone of the overall venture build.

Franz has an excellent instinct of defining the right priorities based on research data, business needs and customer experience. His estimates and delivery commitments are straight to the point, always addressing production-grade quality and creating value to the business. On top of it all he is a team player through and through, super pleasant to work with and highly esteemed by his teams.

If you are in search of the sought-after “PM unicorn” look no further – reach out to Franz.